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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-05-21 20:15:57

过去分词作定语是我们英语学习中的重要知识,在考试中考察的比重也是很高,所以我们 应该重视这些知识的学习,使自己的成绩提高。通过例句进行学习可以培养我们的语感,使自己的成绩提高。下面是学大的专家为大家总结的过去分词作定语。

1. Is this the book recommended by the teacher? 这是老师介绍的书吗?

2. Most of the people invited to the conferencewere my old friends.


3. The glass broken by my son has been swept away. 被我儿子打破的玻璃已经扫走了。

4. Hangzhou, known to the nation for its West Lake, has changed greatly. 以西湖闻名全国的杭州已发生很大变化。

(Hangzhou, which is known to the nation for its West Lake, has changed greatly.)

5. This will be the best novel of its kind that have ever been written.

6. The book, which was written in 1957, tells the struggle of the miners.

7. All the broken windows (=All the windows that were broken) have been repaired.


8. In autumn there are many fallen leaves (=many leaves that have fallen) on the ground. 秋天地上有许多落叶。

9. The Town Hall completed in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time.

10. “Things lost never come again!” I couldn’t help talking to myself.

11. Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award (“绿色中国年度人物奖”), a title given to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.12. There have been several new events added to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

13. The repairs cost a lot, but it’s money well spent.

14. The speaker answered all the questions raised by the audience.

15. Make sentences using the words given.Do you know the boy lying under the big tree?

16. The woman selling vegetables has gone

17. Did you attend the meeting held yesterday ?

18. The road was covered with fallen leaves.

19. This is a book written by a famous Chinese writer.

20. We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here.

21. The telegram sent by my sister brought the news of my dear grandma's death.

22. Let’s try the bookstore opened last month.

23. Nine out of ten women interviewed about the product said they liked it.

24. The three guns stolen from the police stations were found in the house.

25. I don't like going to supermarkets located in the centre of the town.


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